IFRS 16 webinar
How to streamline IFRS 16 maintenance and reporting
When: On-demand
Duration: 15 minutes minutes
Speakers: Karl Oscar Rosli and Paul Deora
Duration: 15 minutes minutes
Speakers: Karl Oscar Rosli and Paul Deora
What are your IFRS 16 challenges?
- Knowing how many IFRS 16 leases you have?
- Changing discount and interest rates, prices, and duration?
- Ensuring that all contract data are updated?
- Lack of “IFRS 16” skills, possibly due to infrequent reporting?
- Using way too much time on IFRS 16?
- Getting a full overview of exceptions and how they apply to you?
All of the above perhaps?
Who should join?
Everyone working in financial departments, both managers and directors.