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IFRS 16 webinar

How to streamline IFRS 16 maintenance and reporting

When: On-demand
Duration: 15 minutes minutes
Speakers: Karl Oscar Rosli and Paul Deora

What are your IFRS 16 challenges?

  • Knowing how many IFRS 16 leases you have?
  • Changing discount and interest rates, prices, and duration?
  • Ensuring that all contract data are updated?
  • Lack of “IFRS 16” skills, possibly due to infrequent reporting?
  • Using way too much time on IFRS 16?
  • Getting a full overview of exceptions and how they apply to you?

All of the above perhaps?

Who should join?

Everyone working in financial departments, both managers and directors.


Sign up today

Webinar hosts

Karl Oscar Rosli -
Product owner IFRS 16

Paul Deora -
International sales