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IFRS 16 webinar

How to report on a group level

When: On-demand
Duration: 30 minutes
Speakers: Karl Oscar Rosli, Cecilie H. Larsen, Paul Deora

What are your IFRS 16 challenges?

  • Leases "live" in your subsidiaries where they are business critical
  • ... While reporting is done on a group level
  • Your subsidiaries are in several countries
  • Leases are quoted in different currencies
  • It is challenging to keep lease data updated
  • Your colleagues "out there" change the terms of the leases without noticing your team at the group level

All of the above perhaps?

Who should join?

Everyone working in financial departments, both managers and directors.


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Webinar hosts

Karl Oscar Rosli -
Product owner IFRS 16

Paul Deora -
International sales