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IFRS 16 webinar

Excel vs IFRS 16 software

When: On-demand
Duration: 15 minutes
Speakers: Karl Oscar Rosli and Paul Deora

Why and when its wise to use a software solution for IFRS 16 vs using Excel

The webinar covers topics such as:

  • Considerations before you start reporting “IFRS 16” leases
  • Common challenges when becoming compliant with IFRS 16 for the first time
  • Feedback from Big Four accounting networks on practical IFRS 16 issues
  • How to plan for IFRS 16 implementation in your organization
  • Only a compliance burden? Business gains from better contract management
  • The smooth way: A lease software that makes compliance faster and easier while improving overall contract management
  • Excel vs Software

Who should join?

Everyone working in financial departments, both managers and directors.

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Webinar hosts

Karl Oscar Rosli -
Product owner IFRS 16

Paul Deora -
International sales