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DORA Software - Digital Operational Resilience Act

Get an overview of third-party ICT risk with our smart solution

Our software helps you fulfil EU's DORA requirements for third-party ICT risk management - and gives you full control over your suppliers.

Digital Operational Resilience Act Software
DORA Supply Chain

Full visibility into the entire ICT supply chain

With DORA, it is crucial to map out your suppliers and their subcontractors – to gain full visibility into the third-party ICT supplier chain. That's why, in our solution, you can link subcontractors to each of your suppliers.

Want to know more about our solution?

Fill in your contact information, and we will get in touch with you to schedule a demonstration of the solution.

DORA - Risk assessment

Smooth risk assessment of ICT suppliers and partners

With our solution, you can easily register relevant risk areas covered by DORA and assess all ICT suppliers and partners based on the available information. This information can then be used to filter, sort, and report based on the registered risk.

More than Compliance - Supplier Management

More than compliance

Let the efficient management of suppliers and contracts help you gain more synergies. The DORA module is part of our Contract Management system, Complete Control, which helps you keep track of all your contracts and commitments.

DORA Steady State Reporting

Steady State Reporting - and more

Generate custom reports with just a few clicks – whether you need daily overviews in Excel or comprehensive reports that meet the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) steady state requirements. 

This is DORA

DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) is an EU regulation designed to ensure that financial institutions are well protected against digital threats such as hacking and other ICT attacks. DORA sets clear expectations for how financial institutions should manage the risks related to their ICT systems and the services they receive from third-party providers. DORA comes into effect on January 17, 2025.

1) ICT risk management: The institution must have a plan in place to manage the risks associated with the use of technology, both for internal systems and systems provided by third parties.

2) Incident management: Financial institutions must have clear procedures for handling ICT attacks or technical failures.

3) Testing of digital resilience: Institutions must regularly test their systems to ensure they can withstand various types of attacks or technical issues.

4) Third-party risk management: Financial institutions must maintain control over the ICT providers they use and ensure that these providers meet security requirements.

5) Information sharing: Institutions must be able to share information about incidents and risks with authorities and other relevant parties.

The DORA regulation applies to banks, insurance companies, and most other companies in the financial sector across the EU.

DORA is designed to strengthen the digital resilience of the financial sector, and an important aspect is ensuring that risks related to suppliers are effectively identified, assessed, and managed.

By choosing House of Control and our DORA solution you get:

  • Full control over contracts and supply chains for effective management of third-party ICT risk in compliance with the DORA regulation.
  • Secure and easy access to necessary documentation for both internal and external stakeholders, including Steady State reporting.
  • Enhanced control and reduced risk by managing all contracts and suppliers in one system.
  • A proactive approach to risk management, especially when there are changes in the supply chain.
  • Early notifications of contract expirations, enabling the company to take action or renegotiate in a timely manner.

Want to know more about our solution?

Fill in your contact information, and we will get in touch with you to schedule a demonstration of the solution.

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