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How a public agency streamlines contract management

The contracts are still stored in one place, but Complete Control provides us with direct links to each and every contract in the case and archiving system.

Alf Jarle Albertsen

Controller at the Norwegian Competition Authority

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In the same way as every other company – public or private – the Norwegian Competition Authority is dependent on a variety of deliveries from external operators in order to be able to perform its societal assignment and work in accordance with its vision. This can involve everything from rent to computer equipment, from broadband to travel agencies – and more.

"The Norwegian Competition Authority has all its contracts stored in an archiving system, as we are obliged to do. However, this system does not have efficient features for following up on the contracts; either as regards time used or with regard to linking the contracts to people."


Alf has previously used solutions of his own devising to deal with these challenges – primarily a variety of tables created in Excel.

"It’s true that the overview was there, but in practice it was really complicated to follow up and notify both the parties who had entered into the agreements and the parties using them."


"Starting to work with the solution was a positive and professional experience. The project staff from House of Control made it simple for me to upload existing contracts from our system. At the same time, they kept close tabs on me, so I quickly realized the value this brings to my role – and to supervision in general."


"The contracts are still stored in one place, but Complete Control provides us with direct links to each and every contract in the case and archiving system."

"Complete Control also helps ensure that our staff actually know about the contracts, because all staff have reading access."

About Alf Jarle Albertsen

Alf Jarle Albertsen, Controller, has ultimate responsibility for public procurements at the authority. It is his job to follow up on procurements during the contractual period. Are the staff aware of the agreement? Should it be renewed when the current period expires? Should the contract be put out to tender again?


About the Norwegian Competition Authority

"To promote competition that benefits consumers and the business community." This is the societal assignment of the Norwegian Competition Authority, which is domiciled in Bergen, Norway. The vision is nothing less than "properly functioning markets."