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Rapid growth, many offices - and full control of all contracts

Written by House of Control | 15.03.22 23:00

"We need a system which provides us a clear overview of agreements and quick access to contracts. This gives us full control of company obligations,” says Hill Jorunn Kåberg Head of Procurement at Åkerblå.

Akerblå is a Norwegian company that provides services to the aquaculture industry along the entire Norwegian coast. Good fish health and fish welfare and environment are necessary prerequisites for profitable and sustainable production of farmed fish. The company has 200 employees and 22 offices along the Norwegian coast, from Haugesund in the south to Alta in the north.


The Solution

Åkerblå chose Complete Control, a software-as-a service (SaaS) solution for smart contract management. Complete Control centralizes and simplifies the management of company agreements and contracts. Agreements are registered in Complete Control ensuring the company has detailed records of their obligations.

Kåberg uploads signed agreements/contracts, adds details about contracts, such as payment amounts, renewal dates, renegotiation deadlines, expiration dates and other relevant comments. The payment plan provides a simple overview of costs for the agreement period.

According to Kåberg, Complete Control professionalizes and streamlines the company's contract handling process. The purchasing department now stores and manages contracts for the entire Åkerblå Group.

«Complete Control is a very good system. It is easy to use and provides good value. "I get a complete picture of what’s happening and our obligations."
Hill Jorunn Kåberg, Head of Procurement