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Take a look at 7 Dashboards your CFO would love to have (today)

Written by House of Control | 19.06.24 13:53

With fast and easy connection to leading Nordic ERP systems, these dashboards are ready to use within hours. Numerous interfaces are ready made - yet simple to customize to your needs. 

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Business Analyze (Business Intelligence software) is well known in the Nordic countries for its ability to analyze and visualize business data - originally developed for sales analytics. After being acquired by House of Control in 2021, the IP was used to take their offerings to a whole new level.

They now offer a much broader range of analytic tools and dashboards - covering sales, operations and finance. The new dashboards provide executives, managers and analysts with a wider view of the business and better visibility into business processes and financial performance. 

What do they look like? Here are seven examples. 

1. Sales Dashboards

Sales dashboards answer important questions like: How well sales teams are generating revenues? What is the forecast? What areas can we improve?

Metrics include: 

  • Sales forecast versus budget
  • Sales variance (per unit, department, person etc)
  • Order backlog
  • Bookings
  • Net margin
  • Gross margin
  • Etc.

2. Profit & Loss Dashboard

The profit and loss (P&L) dashboard summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred for specified periods. This data is displayed and updated dynamically from your company's ERP system.

Users can quickly select and filter data to see separate accounts on various levels of detail.  If you are an analyst, you can click through levels of data in order to understand what items are positively or negatively affecting performance - and then take corrective action.

As shown below, this dashboard includes key metrics such as:

  • Income
  • Cost of Goods Sold
  • Gross profit
  • Expenses
  • Net income
  • Etc.

3. Balance Dashboard

The balance dashboard shows important balance sheet indicators, as well as the difference between budget and actual from previous periods. It includes both high-level and detailed breakdown of assets, liabilities, equity and key ratios.

Graphic elements provide CFOs and other stakeholders with a quick understanding of how key indicators are changing over time.

4. Cash Flow Dashboard

The cash flow dashboard shows key information from the customer ledger and supplier ledger. It includes vital data that can help you identify issues, collect payments and manage cash flow.

The gauge on the left, for example, shows the average number of days between when the invoice is generated and when it is paid. There is a similar gauge for supplier invoices. When you click the gauge a graph shows you the development from month to month. Other information on this dashboard includes: 

  • Accounts receivable
  • Account payable 
  • Accounts receivable turnover per month
  • Per department etc.

5. Customer Ledger Dashboard

The customer ledger dashboard gives a complete control of customer transactions on aggregated and transaction levels. As with the other dashboards, there are many options which enable you to select, filter, summarize and chart information effectively: 

  • Check open entries
  • Find amount in paid and overdue invoices (e.g. per customer)
  • Monitor average # days credit
  • Average no. days overdue
  • No. new customers
  • No. vouchers
  • Search and summarize by invoice date, due date, statement date, etc

6. Supplier Ledger Dashboard

The supplier dashboard provides all relevant data connected to the supplier ledger accounts. Similar to customer ledger, there are many ways to search, find, summarize and graph data.

Metrics include: 

  • Open entries
  • Total amount in period
  • Average no. days credit
  • Average no. days overdue
  • Accounts payable per month
  • Total number of suppliers
  • Number of new suppliers
  • No and value of transactions

7. KPI Overview Dashboard

This dashboard is a collection of your most important KPIs. Business Analyze enables you to customize dashboards so your dashboards tell you exactly what you want to know, without having to wade through pools of information. 

Set up dashboards today and check them every morning to keep a finger on the pulse of your business.

Next steps

Watch a live demonstration of Business Analyze Dashboards here.